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Bourses d'études 2024


  • Linguistic Students' Scholarship
    Main Scholarship: There will be four (4) scholarships awarded to students in the major and joint honours in linguistics. Students can be full time or part time, and must be part of the ADELSA student body. They will be awarded on the basis of a cumulative evaluation of an essay and the students academic achievements (Only the Golden Wug Award will take academic achievements into consideration). Lightning Wug Scholarship(s): Awarded to two (2) recipients. These are the students with the most creative submissions. Submissions can be poems, songs, videos, memes... as long as they are less than 250 words/less than three minutes long. Content must be related to linguistics. Important Dates: Admissions open: January 26 2024 Last day to submit admissions: March 4 2024 Prompt: Convince us that your favourite linguistics subfield is the best one. OR What is a topic of research you would be interested in pursuing/how would you change for the better an existing research? OR How did your linguistics role model (theorist, researcher...) change the field of linguistics? Awards: Golden Wug: $1000 Silver Wug: 3 awards of $500.00 each Lightning Wugs: 6 awards $250.00 Instructions: All applicants will be asked to not include any identifying information (names or student numbers) in the documents they submit to maintain anonymity for the scorers. All documents must be sent as a PDF to (in the case of the use of any other media, please email us before submitting). In the subject line, indicate the pool (main scholarships or lightning wug awards) and indicate, in the email, your full name and student number. Main Scholarship - Follow the sass writing centre guidelines for your essay and answer any of the three prompts. These guidelines are available on the ADÉLSA website. The essay can be no longer than 3 pages (including references). Please include a PDF copy of your unofficial transcript. Lightning Wug Scholarship - Send a PDF of your work. If you would like to use any other media, please email us before submitting.
  • Theatre and Acting Students' Scholarship
    These awards are offered to all students enrolled in the study of theatre or acting at the University of Ottawa. This could be their major, minor, or microprogram. Prompt: What has been one experience at the uOttawa theatre program that has positively impacted your life? Instructions: Please answer to the following prompt in no more than 500 words. All submissions must be sent to Micha Kasongo at Awards: 1 award of $500 for an anglophone submission 1 award of $500 for a francophone submission. Important Dates: Admissions open: Feb 1st 2024 Last day to submit admissions: Feb 23rd 2024
  • History Students’ Scholarship
    Our first scholarship award is dedicated to photographic history. The second allows students to write on a subject which they are passionate about. We will give out 3 prizes in each category. Instructions: Photographic History: Please submit a picture of a historic location with a short 100 word description along with the picture. Applications can be submitted to OR Passion History: Please write a 5-10 page essay on any subject in history. Applications can be submitted to Awards: Photographic History: 1 award of $1000 2 awards of $500 Passion History 1 award of 1000 2 award $500 Important Dates: Admissions open: Feb 19th, 2024 Last day to submit admissions: Feb 26th, 2024
  • Geography and Environmental Science Students' Scholarship
    GAIA EDI Integration and Practice Scholarship: GAIA acknowledges the challenges that students face in the spheres of diversity, equity, and inclusion at uOttawa, and the additional equity considerations in outdoor spaces. With that in mind, participants will be asked to write a reflection on equity, diversity and inclusion within their courses and experiences in the department of Geography, Geomatics, and Environmental Studies. Prompt: Equity, diversity, and inclusion (EDI) in the environmental sphere can encompass a wide range of factors such as linguistic, cultural, physical/mental, and economic access to the environment, among many other considerations. Write a reflection on your experience of what EDI in environment, geography and geomatics looks like, or means, to you. Award: 1st - $500 2nd - $250 GAIA Experiential Learning Award: Participants will be asked to reflect on their experiences or expectations regarding the department's field courses or lab exercises. Prompt: “Share your favourite memory from a field course or lab excursion within your program. If you have not attended an experiential learning trip, describe what you are most looking forward to experiencing” Award: 1st – $500 2nd – $250 GAIA Crunchy Granola Scholarship: Participants will be asked to create a meme regarding a topic relevant to the department of Geography, Geomatics, and Environmental Studies. Prompt: “Using an online art style of your choice, please make a meme related to the study of Geography, Environment, or Geomatics” Instructions: Create a meme regarding a topic relevant to the department of Geography, Geomatics, and Environmental Studies.All submissions for GAIA must be sent to Award: 1st – $500 2nd – $250 GAIA Emerging Academics Scholarships: Prompt: What areas are emerging in the field of your study that you are particularly interested in, and why? Instructions: Write a reflection on an emerging area of study that they show interest in relating to their studies. All submissions for GAIA must be sent to Award: 1st – $500 2nd – $250 Important Dates: Admissions open: Feb 1st 2024 Last day to submit admissions: Feb 23rd 2024 All submissions for GAIA must be sent to
  • Bourse d'étude française et lettres française
    L’AÉDF lance un concours d’écriture réservé aux étudiant.e.s de premier cycle inscrits dans une majeure, une mineure ou au baccalauréat en Lettres françaises. Les étudiant.e.s en Lettres françaises et Éducation et Lettres françaises et communication sont aussi éligibles. Description de la bourse: Thème : L’entre-deux Textes cours (environ 2000 mots) Contrainte : Écrire le texte sous la forme de la narration au « tu » Contraintes : Écrire un poème sous la forme d’un acrostiche et avoir des rimes au minimum suffisantes Poésie (maximum 4-5 pages) Bourses 1: Première position : 250$ Deuxième position : 150$ Troisième position : 100$ Bourses 2: Première position : 250$ Deuxième position : 150$ Troisième position : 100$ Bonus Prix coup de coeur : 300$ Instructions: Les étudiant.e.s ne sont pas limités dans leur participation et pourront soumettre autant de textes qu’ils désiraient. Les textes devront être soumis en format Word. Soumissions seront envoyées à Chronologie Date d’ouverture pour les soumissions : 20 janvier 2024 Date limite pour la soumission des textes : 1er mars 2024
  • Translation Students’ Scholarship
    Prompt: Submit your favourite translation that you have done this year, explaining why it is your favourite. Instructions: Answer the following prompt in 200-300 words explaining why it's your favourite. Both the translation and the explanation should be submitted in PDF format. For the translation, students should include both the source text and the target text. All submissions must be sent to Award: 2 Awards of $250 each. Important Dates: Admissions open: Feb 12th, 2024 Last day to submit admissions: March 1st, 2024
  • English Students’ Scholarship
    Prompt: The focus of your work should reflect the prompt “Moving bodies of water”. Whether you choose to focus on the symbolic elements such as the depths of unknowns, transformations, and fluidity, or you choose to focus on the literal elements such as rivers or oceans, UESA wants to see you bleed into your work. It should be personal, moving and 100% unapologetically you in its content. This is why we’re letting you decide whether you want your prose to be creative fiction or nonfiction. We want to see the boundless levels of your creativity and allow you to let your words work for you. Instructions: Your objective is to submit a creative writing piece of up to 1500 words. Please submit it using the form: UESA Scholarship Submission Form Award: 1st place: $1,200 2nd place: $800 3rd place: $500 Important Dates: Admissions open: Feb 1st, 2024 Last day to submit admissions: Feb 24th, 2024
  • Music Students’ Scholarship
    Scholarship Competition The ADÉMSA Scholarship Competition is open to all undergraduate students at the University of Ottawa’s School of Music. Applicants shall be required to perform a piece of music of their choosing within the ten-minute time limit. The competition will have four divisions, one for each undergraduate year. Applicants will only compete against those in their division. There will be 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and Honourable Mention placings in each division, for a total of 16 winners. These placings will be determined by a jury of at least one professor and one master’s student at the School of Music. Ideally, there will be three judges on the jury panel. ADÉMSA is prepared to hold this competition in two formats: live, in-person OR remote. Preparations will be made for a live, in-person competition unless COVID-19 restrictions require otherwise. Live, in-person Format: The competition will take place in Freiman Hall, Perez Building between Tuesday, March 5, 2024 –Thursday, March 7, 2024. Students are required to register for the competition via Google form, OPEN from Monday, February 5th, 2024 – Monday, February 19th, 2024. It will be shared by ADÉMSA via email and will require the applicant’s: Name Email Year of study Main instrument And The title and composer of their competition piece The duration of their performance Virtual Option In the event that public health measures prevent an in-person competition, the competition will take place virtually, via pre-recorded video submission. Applicants must fill out the ADÉMSA Scholarship Competition Form, OPEN on Wednesday, February 8, 2024, at 9:00 AM. This form will require the applicant’s: Name Email Year of study Main instrument And The title and composer of their competition piece The duration of their performance A link to their unlisted/private recording on Youtube Essay Competition The ADÉMSA Essay Competition is open to all undergraduate students at the University of Ottawa’s School of Music. Applicants shall be required to submit an essay, which must be on a music-related topic. There will be 2 winners: 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and Honourable Mention determined by a jury of at least one professor at the School of Music. Submissions will be judged based on academic merit, coherence and structure, and spelling and punctuation. Applicants must submit their essay through the ADÉMSA Essay Competition Form, OPEN on Wednesday, February 7, 2024, at 9:00 AM in PDF or WORD form. The form will include the applicant’s: Name Email Year of study And Their essay submission, in PDF or WORD file format. It will CLOSE two weeks later, on Wednesday, February 21, 2024, at 11:59 PM.
  • Philosophy Students’ Scholarship
    The UPSA Winter Scholarships will be open to all full-time and part-time undergraduate students enrolled in a Major or Minor program in Applied Ethics or Philosophy. The award will be divided into four tiers, from first to fourth place in descending order and amount; first place ‘Platinum’ will win $800.00, second place ‘Gold’ will win $550.00, third place ‘Silver’ will win $400.00, and fourth place ‘Bronze’ will win $250.00. The winners will be announced on the UPSA's instagram account (@uottawa_upsa.aenp) prior to winter exams, and they will be again mentioned at the Arts Winter Showcase. Prompt: “What is the most interesting or inspiring concept or thinker you have come across in your philosophy or ethics courses so far?” OR “What does philosophy mean to you?” OR “What ancient philosophy is the most relevant to you today and why? (can be from any part of the world)” Instructions: The answers can be as long or as short as the applicant would like (it is recommended to write at least 300 words or more) in English or French and documents must be submitted in PDF format to the VP University Affairs email address (i.e. The email should be titled [UPSA Winter 2023 Scholarship Application: First Name, Last Name, Student Number]. Award: 1st place: $800 2nd place: $550 3rd place: $400 4th place: $250 Important Dates: Applications will open on February 1st, 2024 Applications will close on March 1st, 2024
  • Classics and Religious Studies Students’ Scholarship
    Instructions/Prompt: Award 1: Sing to me Muse” scholarship! Students must submit an art piece on any topic relating to classics or religious studies. These can take the form of paintings, drawings, sculptures, musical composition or any other art form as long as it is not a creative writing piece. Students can reuse work that has already been submitted to a class or other project (such as art shows, exhibits, etc.). Students can submit their applications to Award 2: Classics lost…found again!” Scholarship Students must submit a creative writing piece retelling any myth or story relating to classics or religious studies. Plays, prose and poetry are all welcome as long as they don’t exceed the 500 words limit. Students can reuse work that has already been submitted to a class or other project. Students can submit their applications to Awards: 1st – $150 2nd – $100 Award 2: 1st – $150 2nd – $100 Important Dates: Applications will open on February 1st, 2024 Applications will close on February 26th, 2024
  • Visual Arts Students’ Scholarship: The VASA Excellence in Visual Arts Award 2024
    Prompt: Submit a work, following the theme “change”. Instructions: To get the awards students must submit a piece of work under 30” x 36” (or 30” x 36” x 36”) with the theme of “Change” and submit a maximum 500 word description of their piece. They will be submitting the materials into a google form. Award: Two awards of $1000 each Important Dates: Applications will open on February 1st, 2024 Applications will close on March 3rd, 2024
  • ELSSLT - Second Language Teaching Scholarship
    These awards are offered to all students enrolled in English or French as a second language teaching program at the University of Ottawa. This could be their major, minor, or microprogram. Prompt: What has been one experience at the uOttawa second language teaching program that has positively impacted your life? Instructions: Please answer to the following prompt in no more than 500 words. All submissions must be sent to Micha Kasongo at Awards: 1 award of $500 for a English as a Second Language Teaching submission 1 award of $500 for a French as a Second Language Teaching francophone submission. Important Dates: Admissions open: Feb 1st 2024 Last day to submit admissions: Feb 23rd 2024
  • Art History Students' Scholarship
    These awards are offered to all students enrolled in the Art History program at the University of Ottawa. This could be their major, minor, or microprogram. Prompt: What has been one experience at the uOttawa second language teaching program that has positively impacted your life? Instructions: Please answer to the following prompt in no more than 500 words. All submissions must be sent to Micha Kasongo at Awards: 2 awards of $250 each Important Dates: Admissions open: Feb 1st 2024 Last day to submit admissions: Feb 23rd 2024
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